Emergency Closing Procedures
The District's emergency closing procedures are used when schools are experiencing significant inclement weather or other situations that require an interruption to the normal school day.
District Procedures
The decision to have school or to close on days of inclement weather is always based on the District's ability to ensure student and staff safety to and from school, between 6:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and again between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. during the typical times students are en route to and from school, as well as to ensure appropriate staffing levels.
Communicating with Families
We will carefully consider all factors when bad weather is occurring or predicted, and student and staff safety will be the major priority in developing our response. Keeping schools open or closing them are major decisions when faced with weather conditions that could affect travel or the safety of students and staff. Keeping school open is not about financial considerations but about our commitment to educate our students.
Additional District Programs
For any weather-related closure, there are additional programs impacted. Please review the following information to see how other programming may shift.